
“The Word of God reigns supreme “A Praise on Earth” their latest cd. I especially appreciated the marriage of New and Old Testament texts in “We See Yeshua.”

Yuval Shomron
Jerusalem Bureau Chief
The High Adventure Global Broadcasting Network


Lynne is the author of Feasts of Israel Cookbook. She is a speaker, and provides cooking demonstrations incorporating foods used in God's biblical Feasts beginning with Passover.

"By incorporating recipes, traditions and inspirational insights, Lynne brings a fresh perspective to historically Jewish holidays, making them a celebration for today Christian celebrations. After hearing Lynne's presentation, the audience will leave with a sense of both their spiritual heritage and legacy."

Florence Littauer, Founder, CLASSeminar
Author of Personality Plus, Silver Boxes and Making the Blue Plate Special




Bruce & Lynne Patterson
PO Box 148651
Nashville, TN 37214